

IF YOU ASK ME(About life and more) was created for the purpose of sharing ideas and observations in the areas of politics, culture, health, family, educaton and religion. We don't pretend any authority at all in the subjects that we are covering here. IF YOU ASK ME is an opinion blog.

I have a site named "Purely My Views." The following is written in the homepage. I found it relevant here, for this site also bears the same perspective, although on another platform and much more expanded:

We need to have personal views on things in order for us to be able to use one of our greatest powers on earth: the power to make a decision! I don't mean we need to study all things around us and then give our opinion about them, for doing so is impossible. Even geniuses don't have such a godly gift. What we need, first and foremost, is our opinion to our ourselves. True, the greatest problem of man is himself, his criticism or super appreciation of himself. Hence the need for a realistic guesstimate of who we are. Purely My Views is a site created to somehow help others--aside from seeing ourselves realistically--on things that are important such as love relationship, parenting, the effects of computerization, the need to travel, birth control, religion, man's tendency to be destructive to himself and to his environment, corruption in government, politics, economics, world events, sports, among others. All these views are of course from a layman's perspective.

I am just interested in many things, more on those truly affecting us in this life, and even beyond. I want to share to many that we can die any moment because of sheer ignorance. For example, a very robust man, in his mid 30s, right after experiencing a heart attack, was encouraged by his friends attending to him to move right after the attack his tongue and let his right hand touch his left ear so that he could show to his nervous friends proof that he was still alive. Ignorant, he followed the orders, which cost him his life. (He died even before he could have reached his ear by his fingers!).

I learned that total rest (meaning, without moving one's hand or body as much as possible!) is one key to survival during a heart failure. Yes, it is always true that the common symptom of a heart attack is death!

I learned also of a girl who was so disobedient to her parents. She became pregnant before high school graduation! Was it due to parental misguidance or to the unruly and wicked nature of the girl? There are indeed lots of goods things, from the point of knowledge and reflection, that we need to know about. Purely My Views seeks to explore a few of them in the pages of this site.